Vermona twinVCAmp

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Vermona
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36902 Р
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Our twinVCAmp was designed as a flexible and equally high grade dual VCA. Its luxurious outfit and though-out circuitry make it a valuable tool for every modular system – naturally with superior sonic quality.
Per VCA, the amplification ratio can be set to exactly 1:1 or 1:4. This way, weak input signals can be expediently boosted in level. At the same time, high level audio signals will be distorted and compacted in a harmonic and musical way.
The characteristics of both VCAs can individually be switched from linear to semi-logarithmic – a curve specifically designed for musical applications.

Team-player or lone fighter

Both VCAs can be used independently or in combination. Available are three possibilities:

  • VCA1 can serve as offset-generator for its twin brother.
  • Both VCAs can share a control voltage source.
  • The sum of both VCAs can be used from a separate output.

Each module is carefully assembled, checked and packed in our electroacoustic manufactory in Erlbach, Germany. Circuit specific refinements and the use of quality components build the foundation for a module of highest usefulness and lifespan. twinVCAmp is more than just two VCAs in a single module: It is a dual- or stereo-VCA, a voltage controlled 2-in–1 mixer, overdrive and more…

Размеры и вес товара

Длина: 50.0000CM
Ширина: 20.0000CM
Высота: 40.0000CM
Вес: 8.0000kg

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